What disadvantages do I face regarding my insurance if I receive a Glen Burnie, MD DUI?
Receiving a Glen Burnie, MD DUI has a variety of disadvantages. Not only do you have to go to court, pay fines and possibly lose your license, but keeping or finding car insurance is also usually a task, as well. Some companies will drop clients who receive such charges, which means you’ll have to find a new provider, and that is often difficult. Here, a lawyer discusses other disadvantages you may face after receiving Maryland drunk driving charges.
A Cancellation on Your Record
In addition to having an Anne Arundel County DUI on your driving record, you may also have an insurance cancellation if your provider drops you. Having both on your record often makes it quite difficult to find a provider who will offer you insurance.
You’ll Pay Higher Rates
Insurance companies offer all kinds of discounts to drivers who they believe to be responsible. However, you’d be hard-pressed to find a company who offers reduced rates to those who have Glen Burnie drunk driving charges. In fact, such drivers are usually only offered coverage at high rates. The company considers you to be “high risk” and therefore, will considerably hike up their rates for you.
After receiving your DUI, you’ll have to find an insurance company who carries such drivers if yours releases you. You’ll also need to find a company who will file an SR-22 for you. Not all companies offer such a service, therefore, you may find doing so is difficult.
If you’ve received a Glen Burnie, MD DUI, you may be facing serious penalties. Decrease your chances of being convicted of them by hiring a lawyer to help you fight for your rights.
Speak with a lawyer about your case by calling Jimeno & Gray, P.A., at (410) 590-9401. We will do all we can to help you during this time. Request your free copy of the book The ABCs of DWIs in Maryland, written by lawyer Gregory Jimeno, when you call.