What should I do if I received a Glen Burnie, MD DUI charge on Labor Day?
Labor Day is a popular time for drivers to receive Glen Burnie, MD DUI charges. When you are charged with such an act, it is common for you to feel stressed, confused and worried. You are probably unsure of what your next step should be, as well. However, here a few things you should do if you are unfortunate enough to receive a Maryland drunk-driving charge.
Hire a Lawyer
Your best chance of receiving a favorable ruling during this time is to hire an Anne Arundel County drunk driving lawyer. An attorney can help you understand what is happening and attempt to get you the ruling you desire.
Refrain From Drinking
One of the worst things you can do during this time is to drive while intoxicated. Getting pulled over again could result in you going to jail. Therefore, refraining from drinking may be your best option at preventing yourself from driving drunk in Glen Burnie.
The lawyers of Jimeno & Gray, P.A., are experienced and well-versed in Maryland drunk-driving laws. They will do all they can to help you with your Glen Burnie, MD DUI charge.
Call Jimeno & Gray, P.A., at (410) 590-9401 for help and to request a free copy of the book The ABCs of DWIs in Maryland, written by Gregory Jimeno.
Meet Our Lawyers

Greg Jimeno

Frank Gray

Magaly Bittner