How is Coronavirus Affecting Divorce?
As we practice social distancing and shelter in place across the state of Maryland, one ugly truth has emerged: some of us are sheltering in place with a person we no longer have the same feelings for that we once did. The result? Domestic violence is skyrocketing. Alcohol sales from liquor stores are up 300%. We fill our time watching Netflix documentaries we would never otherwise watch. Clearly, some of us are dealing with the stress of an impending breakup in all the wrong ways.
How can you prepare yourself now for what life after the virus will look like? Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? Where will you live? What will you be doing for a living? How much access will you and your spouse have to your children?
These may seem like easy questions, but you would be surprised how many people can’t answer them the first time we meet. They’ve never thought ahead. They are focused entirely on where they are now, not where they want to be.
This is a good time to think about the future and where you want to be next year, three years from now, and beyond.
You can start by looking at your family’s finances. How much do you make? How much does your spouse make? What are your fixed monthly expenses? What is the net worth of your assets? These are questions that should be asked but many people cannot answer. Now is the time to look at the family finances to find out what you know—and just as importantly, what you don’t know.
Finally, you can prepare for life after the virus by being honest with yourself. During the crisis, everybody is experiencing anxiety about the future, family finances, and most of all, the loss of control over things as simple as where to go for dinner. Is your spouse helping you deal with these stressors, or is your spouse adding to the stress level? Now is the time to be honest with yourself about how you feel.
After you get a handle on your feelings, your path will be easier.
As always, stay safe and healthy. We are here working during the pandemic and can still field emails, make phone calls, and host meetings via zoom and other internet platforms to discuss options.
Meet Our Team

Gregory P. Jimeno, Esquire

Frank C. Gray, Jr., Esquire.

Magaly Delisse Bittner, Esquire

Jessica McConnell, Esquire

Alex Avioli-Bent

Erin Finn

Karen Nolasco

Robyn Youssef
Intake Specialist

Lisa Eckstorm
Office Manager and Funding Coordinator