What Are The Benefits Of Legal Separation
Marriage is a beautiful institution. Growing up, most of us dreamed of having a happy home, a loving spouse, and a beautiful family. But sadly, it does not always work out in the end for everyone. You may get marital problems that you seem not to be able to resolve. At this point, divorce may be on top of your mind. But the reality of divorce is that it is final!
In most cases, there is no going back after a divorce. That is why it is always good to start with other resolution methods such as therapy or counseling. If this does not work, a legal separation may be the next best move. The good thing about legal separation is that it is not as absolute as divorce and creates a middle ground for discussion and amicable solutions. But the key in many of these situations is communication and having sound legal advice by your side, like getting help through Glen Burnie divorce consultation. Such discussions are essential to understand each party’s priorities and what would be best for everyone. But before you decide on anything, it is first important to understand the benefits of legal separation.
What Is A Separation Agreement?
A separation agreement is an obligation made by both parties. Even though the obligations may not be legally binding, they hold firmly in court in case of any disagreements. They are meant to protect each party and ensure that the separation has agreeable terms for everyone. Its benefits include:
Gives You Time
As we have mentioned, divorce is final! Once you file for divorce, that is it! But with legal separation, you are still technically married. The only difference is that you do not live together. Many experts will tell you that separation gives you time alone to think and really prioritize what you want. The good thing about legal separation is that there is no timeline, meaning you can remain married separately indefinitely. You can put your affairs in order financially, plan for your future, and most importantly, figure out if divorce is what you really want.
Some people go back to being a happily married couple after a separation and having time to themselves. For this reason, legal separation, often referred to as limited divorce, is required by law in many states in the US.
Legal Separation Is Applicable Where Divorce Is Not Possible
Culturally, divorce is frowned upon by society. Some religious beliefs do not allow it as they view it as disobedience against God. Sometimes, you cannot get a divorce if you’ve been married for less than a year. Even without religious or legal constraints, some people choose not to divorce because of their social status or financial position. For many, legal separation is the best option as it allows you and your spouse to live separately while still remaining married in the public and legal eyes.
Easier To Solve Child Custody Issues
One of the biggest obstacles in any divorce case is child custody issues. Divorce can be messy, and sometimes it goes as far as using the children as bargaining chips or as means to hurt the other party. While you would not think someone you have spent years with and had children with could use such techniques, divorce can make people react in different and ugly ways.
That is why discussions of such issues during legal separation are recommended. During this period, since you are still married and content with the situation, having these discussions can yield better outcomes. Both parties are usually more ready to compromise and find solutions.
Furthermore, the stigma on the children will be less as they believe their parents are doing everything in their power to work things out. In the end, even if you choose to get divorced, your children will be more acclimated to the situation and the living arrangement, making it easier for everyone.
Easier To Solve Financial Issues
As much as people do not like to admit it, money plays an important role in marriage. And this fact is much clearer during the divorce process, where the biggest stumbling block is usually the financial aspect.
Even in a two-income household, the odds are one party earns more money than the other and facilitated a particular lifestyle that both parties are accustomed to. Legally, divorce requires that the breadwinner supports the other party financially. However, many complications come with this, most of it stemming from the bitterness of the divorce.
As such, starting the financial negotiations during legal separation can make this process easier. Litigation in a safe space can help both parties understand why the law requires financial assistance in a relaxed and cordial way.
Makes The Transition Easier
Depression can rear its ugly head in many ways, and none is more prevalent than divorce. In many cases, one party is more adamant about getting a divorce than the other. The party that does not want to get divorced can feel aggrieved, used, and unwanted. But divorce often affects both parties to different degrees, and the most common way it affects both parties is the living arrangement.
Some separated couples may simply choose to live in the same house and sleep in different rooms for financial or personal reasons. But many choose to have one party move out. Living alone after years of sharing the same roof with your kids and spouse can take a toll on even the best of us.
Having legal separation may help ease this. Legal separation requires that you live separately; you can use this time to get used to it in case you get divorced. Many people use this period to rediscover themselves, find new interests, and make new friends.
Just because the marriage did not work out, it does not mean that it needs to end badly. Legal separation presents a platform where all parties can get some relief, comfort, a safe space, and time to get back on their feet, emotionally and financially.
Jimeno & Gray, P.A.
7310 Ritchie Hwy #900 Glen Burnie MD 21061,
Contact Number: 4105909401
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