by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jul 22, 2015
What Is A Jury A jury in a criminal trial in Maryland is composed of 12 random citizens from the County in which they reside. Anyone who is registered to vote or has a driver’s license with an address in that County is eligible to be in the “jury...
by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jul 22, 2015
Have You Been Threatened or Intimidated into Confessing a Crime? Find Out About Voluntariness in Maryland Voluntariness is a part of confession law that is similar to, but at the same time different from someone’s Miranda rights. When someone confesses to a...
by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jul 22, 2015
Find Out What the Maryland Guidelines Are for Sentencing Criminal Defendants The Maryland Sentencing Guidelines are a set of guidelines that are supposed to help judges across Maryland be uniform in their sentencing criminal defendants. The idea behind them is that a...
by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jul 22, 2015
Our Lawyers Can Tell Your Side of the Story After You Are Served With a Temporary Protective Order Go to almost any Courthouse, District or Circuit, anywhere in Maryland, and you are likely to find a Protective Order on the docket for that day. A Protective Order is a...
by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 21, 2015
Our Lawyers Explain the Difference Between Circuit Courts and District Courts, and How to Navigate the Maryland Court System In Maryland there are two levels of trial courts, the District Court and Circuit Court. Every county has one Circuit Court and at least one...