Can a lawyer help me appeal a standard suspended license in Maryland?
If you received a standard supsended license in Maryland, you likely received a few driving under the influence charges. Not being able to drive is quite inconvenient. However, you are able to appeal this decision. Here, a lawyer discusses how you can go about doing so.
Send in an Appeal Request
The Motor Vehicle Administration gives you 15 days to request a hearing in order to appeal your Maryland suspended license. Send in a completed appeals form and await the details of when and where the trial will take place.
Hire a Lawyer
Enlisting the help of a lawyer will likely increase your odds of getting the results you desire. A lawyer can help you better understand the process, which may make the experience less stressful. Additionally, a lawyer knows the ins and outs of these hearings, which can make you feel more comfortable.
Request an Ignition Interlock Device
If you don’t want to request a hearing, but still want to keep your Maryland driver’s license, you may be able to do so by requesting an ignition interlock device. This device is hooked onto your car and requires that you blow your own breath into it before it starts. If it detects alcohol on your breath, it won’t allow you to drive. A lawyer can help you request this device.
If you need help appealing your suspended license in Maryland, contact an experienced DUI lawyer. The attorneys from Jimeno & Gray, P.A., will do all they can to assist you in the getting the verdict you desire.
Call us at (410) 590-9401 for more information and to request your free copy of the book The ABCs of DWIs in Maryland, written by lawyer Gregory Jimeno.
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Gregory P. Jimeno, Esquire

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