How can I increase my chances of staying safe and avoiding an Annapolis, MD car crash on St. Patrick’s Day?
Going out and having fun on St. Patrick’s Day is a tradition for many. However, doing so can be quite dangerous, as many drivers are intoxicated. Traveling on the same road as those motorists could cause you to become the victim of an Annapolis, MD car crash. Although you can’t guarantee you’re going to stay safe this day, you can perform a few actions that increase your chances of avoiding a dangerous accident.
Stay Home
Although going out for drinks at a bar is fun, it potentially puts you at risk for getting into a Maryland car crash on St. Patrick’s Day. Instead of going out, invite your friends over to your home and have a party there instead. However, you may need to provide alternate transportation for your friends to ensure they get home safe.
Don’t Drink
You can still have fun on this festive holiday without drinking. You can make better choices when you’re sober, and you increase your chances of not getting arrested for an Annapolis DUI. Additionally, you’re more likely to stay out of an accident. Avoiding drinking this St. Patrick’s Day can keep you and those around you safe.
Stay Alert
If you are out on St. Patrick’s Day, drive as carefully as possible. This means staying totally focused on what is going on around you and avoiding becoming distracted. For instance, don’t talk or text on your cell phone, and keep conversations with those in your vehicle to a minimum. Doing so can help keep you aware of the other cars around you, and potentially prevent your involvement in an Annapolis car wreck.
Even if you drive as carefully as possible, you could still become the victim of an Annapolis, MD car crash. This accident could cause you large bills in the form of medical expenses and vehicle repairs. An experienced car crash lawyer may be able to help you with these bills.
Call the law offices of Jimeno & Gray, P.A., at (410) 590-9401 for help with your case. Ask for your free copy of the book A Crash Course in Maryland Accidents, written by Maryland accident attorney Gregory Jimeno, when you call.
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Gregory P. Jimeno, Esquire

Frank C. Gray, Jr., Esquire.

Magaly Delisse Bittner, Esquire

Jessica McConnell, Esquire

Alex Avioli-Bent

Erin Finn

Karen Nolasco

Robyn Youssef
Intake Specialist

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Office Manager and Funding Coordinator