How long does it take to get a divorce in Anne Arundel County if my case is contested?
Once you have filed for an absolute divorce in Anne Arundel County, there is a court process that you will go through to obtain your final divorce decree. After your spouse has been served with the complaint for the divorce there is a specific time period for filing an answer to the complaint. After the answer is filed, the case will be set in for a Scheduling Conference with the Court to schedule other court appearances and deadlines. The second court appearance is usually for a Settlement Conference, where the parties try to resolve the matter with the assistance of a judge or master. If the case is still contested, the parties will be given a trial date. The goal for the court is that the case be completed within a year. If the parties are unable to resolve their matter, the case will likely take approximately a year to be completed. What this means is not only have most people been separated for a year before filing fo an absolute divorce, but it may take up to another year to complete the court process and obtain an absolute divorce from the court.
Every case is different, therefore, different services may be available through the court to expedite your matter. It would be in your best interest to speak with a Glen Burnie divorce lawyer to get a better explanation of what services are available and how long your case may take to be completed.
The Glen Burnie divorce attorneys at Jimeno & Gray, P.A., understand the nuances of the court process in Maryland. Our Glen Burnie divorce attorney team is ready to help you with your family law needs. Contact us today for consultation – 410-590-9401.
Meet Our Team

Gregory P. Jimeno, Esquire

Frank C. Gray, Jr., Esquire.

Magaly Delisse Bittner, Esquire

Jessica McConnell, Esquire

Alex Avioli-Bent

Erin Finn

Karen Nolasco

Robyn Youssef
Intake Specialist

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Office Manager and Funding Coordinator