What should I do if I am stopped at a Columbia, MD DUI checkpoint on New Year’s Eve?
If you’ve never been involved in a Columbia, MD DUI checkpoint on New Year’s Eve you may be intimidated or nervous your first time. You may not know what to do or how to act, and may be worried you’ll do the wrong thing. If you follow a few tips, however, you should get through the checkpoint unscathed.
Be Polite and Courteous
Giving the police officer who is conducting the Howard County DUI checkpoint an attitude will likely make the situation bad when it doesn’t need to be. By simply being polite and courteous, the officer will probably let you go on your way, provided you’re not suspected of being intoxicated. If not, the officer may have you do certain actions you wouldn’t otherwise have to.
Be Compliant
The officer will likely only ask for your ID, registration and insurance card. After inspecting the items, you’ll probably be allowed to proceed. If you put up a fight about any of this, however, there’s a good chance you’ll be asked to pull over and perform field sobriety tests and other acts of that nature. Even if you are sober, you could be charged with something you shouldn’t.
Be Smart
If you were found to have been drinking and driving in Maryland, you’re probably facing a few major charges. Attempting to fight these alone will probably only lead to bad news for you. Instead, hire a lawyer and call him immediately, then follow his instructions. Doing so could make a major difference in the outcome of this DUI checkpoint.
If you’ve been accused of driving drunk during a Columbia, MD DUI checkpoint on New Year’s Eve, you’ll need a lawyer to help fight for your rights.
Call the law offices of Jimeno & Gray, P.A., at (410) 590-9401 for more information and to request a free copy of the book The ABCs of DWIs in Maryland, written by lawyer Gregory Jimeno.
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Gregory P. Jimeno, Esquire

Frank C. Gray, Jr., Esquire.

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