by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jul 22, 2015
One of the first questions people often ask when charged with a drinking and driving related offense is “Will I lose my license?” If you have taken a breath or blood test with a result of .08 alcohol content or greater OR of if you refused the test of...
by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jul 22, 2015
The test given to you by the police is often normally one of your breath. This is not the case if the breath testing equipment is unavailable or if you have been involved in a collision involving a death or a serious risk of death. If you are arrested on federal...
by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 14, 2015
Understanding Maryland DUI and DWI Laws If a driver is charged with driving while impaired (“DWI”) or driving under the influence (“DUI”) of alcohol, the State has the burden to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. The difference between a... by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 14, 2015
If you were pulled over by a police officer, you have most likely already demonstrated suspicious driving behaviors such as weaving, speeding, or running a light. These actions can give the police officer reason to pull you over. If, during your conversation with the... by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 14, 2015
For Commercial Driver’s Licence Holders, the Penalties for a DUI/DWI in Maryland Are Severe Anyone who depends on a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to make their living knows how complicated and burdensome the laws regarding CDLs can be. This is...