by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 14, 2015
Charges for a Maryland DWI Can Happen in an Invalid Traffic Stop (Part A) After you’ve been arrested under suspicion of Maryland DWI while driving in Baltimore, a DUI defense attorney may be necessary. One of the common ways your attorney can challenge a... by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 12, 2015
Facing a Second DUI in Maryland? Seek Glen Burnie DUI Defense (Part B) Penalties of a Second DUI in Maryland The first thing you need to consider with a second DUI in Maryland is how soon it occurs after your first DUI conviction. If your second charges are brought up... by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 12, 2015
What Happens When You Refuse to Take a Breath Test in Maryland (Part A) Many people do not realize that you have the option to take a breath test in Maryland when you are pulled over for suspicion of impaired driving. Maryland law states that although you cannot be... by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 12, 2015
Facing Penalties for a Third DUI in Maryland?An Anne Arundel County DUI Lawyer Can Help (Part A) If you have been accused of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Maryland, you should hire an Anne Arundel County DUI lawyer to protect... by Jimeno & Gray, P.A. | Jun 12, 2015
Facing Penalties for a Third DUI in Maryland? An Anne Arundel County DUI Lawyer Can Help (Part B) You could suffer administrative penalties as well as criminal penalties if convicted of a third DUI in Maryland. You can increase the chances your case will have a...